Call 406 222 6642 for best results
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Bear Paw Outfitters
( Montana Outfitter #192)
(Yellowstone Stock Provider #YELL105)
We follow the 'SSS' Rule
Safety, Safety,Safety
All Walking
Nose to Tail
Gentle Horses
'Quality not Quantity'
All Walking Scenic Trail Ride
Nose to Tail
Best to call
406 222 6642
We offer a variety of Montana and Yellowstone National Park Horseback Riding Trips
Bear Paw Outfitters is the place to go for the nicest, safest and most scenic trail riding. We are one of the oldest trail riding outfits in the area with an impeccable safety record. We take pride in giving our clients a one of a kind, professional experience. If you come to the Paradise Valley which is located south of Livingston, Montana and north of Yellowstone National Park we will take you and your family on an awesome horseback and trail ride.
Family Owned-Operated
4th,5th,6th Generation Montanan's
Prices - extra charge for children that need special attention
Heights, Weights, Ages Required - Seniors on case by case basis
Prices subject to change without notice
1 - 2 Hr $185.00 per person
1/2 Day (approx 3hrs) - $250.00 per person
Other Private rides available for extra $
Each rides duration is approximate and dependent upon rider's capabilities, size of group, ages, weather etc.
- Private Lunch Ride ( 3-4hrs ) $400.00 per person.
Our "Private Lunch Ride" is a unique way to spend the late morning with your group, family, or spouse! We have you meet us mid- morning. We will ride to the lunch spot where you will enjoy a special lunch that will be packed on a pack animal. The views are spectacular. After lunch is enjoyed we will ride back to the corrals.
-Private Day Ride - $600.00 per person
Just your group! Included Lunch and Spectacular Views of the Absaroka Mountains
Times will vary depending on the changing seasons
-Full Day Ride - $400.00 per person includes lunch
Full Day Trail Ride trips - Meet between 9-10:00 am return approximately 3- 4 pm depending where the ride is designated. Plenty of riding not to long but satisfying. Your comfort and safety is our top priority. Each and every groups needs and expectations are different.
Best to call April - September
406 222 6642
~~"Please call to make a reservation" ~~
'Safety is our Priority'
"We have age/weight /height restrictions"
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"
Absolutely 'No Smoking' during the rides
Scenic river float trips
We offer from our base of operations south of Livingston Montana in the Paradise Valley - Horseback Riding, Trail Rides, Slough Creek Fly Fishing Trips in Yellowstone National Park and Fishing in the AB Wilderness. Pack Trips in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Also Hunting Guide Training - Hunting Guide School Learn How To Packing Horses and Mules
Montana Guide School
We are under permit with the Yellowstone Ranger District Livingston Montana
Yellowstone National Park Stock Provider/Outfitter LP YELL 105
Licensed Montana Outfitter #192
Sage Lodge is located south of Livingston, Montana and north of Yellowstone National Park. For fine dining and a relaxing atmosphere